There are 2 questions in it: 1) assign alias to use by user locally; 2) declare global linux alias for system-wide usage by any user. Earlier i mentioned, that could be good to simplify an alias for composer... Reason: During my normal activity with drupal modules, their paths of installation are always copied seamlessly as: composer require 'drupal/video:^3.0'. When we use different versions of the Composer, it comes an inconvenient way to prepend: Code: php82 /usr/local/bin/composer82 require 'drupal/video:^3.0' Necessarily and would be useful to use a such alias: PHP: alias composer82='/opt/remi/php82/root/usr/bin/php /usr/local/bin/composer82' or Steps, that were reproduced: 1) adding to local /home/drupal/.bashrc file of a user required fragment of the alias: Problem to activate this script we need to run Code: source /home/drupal/.bashrc response: bash: /home/drupal/.bashrc: Permission denied Not placing the user to the wheel-group, we can't also execute: sudo source /home/drupal/.bashrc We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. #3) With great power comes great responsibility. [sudo] password for web1: Neither the root, nor the user password grants access. 2) Declare global alias Creation of a script at /etc/profile.d/ This method is also unsuccessful to achieve our aim.
Could you explain in detail which steps exactly do i have to proceed? "00-" prefix won't work ? /usr/bin/ #!/bin/sh alias composer82='php82 /usr/local/bin/composer82' ?
In what way does it not work? What happens instead? The AskUbuntu article says: create file in directory /etc/profile.d/ -directory. write in that file Code: alias composer82='php82 /usr/local/bin/composer82' save the file log in as test user to get the settings activated and test with command alias if the alias is now defined.
Unfortunately, Sir, it doesn't work. And i even changed it some an alias name for composer8 due to not mingle with the /usr/local/bin/composer82 But... i celebrate you with the Accession to the Alliance; this is a really good news.
update! if we create some occasional user through useradd, then this alias works. but in case ISP Config (not chroot) created user, this won't work. The difference: PHP: defaultdrupal:x:5004:5005::/var/www/websites/client0/domain1/home/defaultdrupal:/bin/bashtestify:x:5009:5010::/home/testify:/bin/bash /var/www/websites/client0/domain1/home/defaultdrupal ~ /home/testify Question: How to declare global alias, which isp_config created user will comply with?
I use only jailed shell users on my ISPConfig setups. You would need to examine how the defaultdrupal user is set up to login and get environment and settings. Or, forget the alias thing, and use the other way to accomplish same thing, which was explained in that AskUbuntu thread (creating composer8 command file a directory included in PATH). You should show in what way it does not work, how you verified it does not work and what happens instead. Generally, just stating "it does not work" is not helpful when trying to give advice.
for ispconfig jailkit users, aliases will not work unless the path to the file containing the alias, and the file/command referenced by the alias are included in the jailkit.
I suppose, the problem is hidden somewhere here inside: /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/sites/shell_user_edit.php. No-no-no, i have already sent it: Code: bash: composer8: command not found - that was a reply. Olay, let's chroot it with the Jailkit: new user: defaultchrooted pass: drupalize Which way do i have to use it?
Do you know, how practically, but not metaphysically to solve my issue? Sorry for this irony, sometimes i am rude
the instructions i linked to, and which @Taleman explicitly repeated, state exactly where and how to create the alias. the path /etc/profile is already included in the basicshell section of the jailkit, so what you need to do is make sure the php version you want to use, and composer are enabled in your jailkits. either for the site, under site options under 'Jailkit chroot app sections', in this case, as 'PHP8_2' and 'composer', or the same in the control panel system - server config - <servername> - jailkit
So, one more time: this alias was created; /etc/profile.d/ Code: alias composer8='php82 /usr/local/bin/composer82' is /etc/profile.d included to the basicshell? How to verify? My knowledge of the jailkit is boiled down to the steps from the "Perfect Centos Server" tutorial: How to add my local versions of php and of composer to jailkit? -> Site Options seems, not 'Jailkit chroot app sections', but 'Jailkit chrooted applications' php8.2 path: /opt/remi/php82/root/usr/bin/php composer for php 8.2 path: /usr/local/bin/composer82 Am i right? Even for the chrooted user it has had the same effect - zero. Okay, i give up Dash it all
no. as i said. jailkit chroot app sections. 'PHP8_2' (assuming you have php8.2 installed and working and want to use this version) and 'composer' you would need to check the php8_2 section in /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini though.. make sure it's pointing to the right location for php.. i know what it has in there for ubuntu/debian, don't know what it has in there for centos for composer, is /usr/local/bin/composer82 a file, or another directory? you might need to add it to the paths line in the composer section of jk_init.ini
For such an occasion, let's figure out it together... Any objections, my man?! My php 8.2 PHP Name - PHP 8.2.3 Path to the PHP FastCGI binary: /opt/remi/php82/root/usr/bin/php-cgi Path to the php.ini directory: /etc/opt/remi/php82 It responds to: php82 because the enabled symbolic link {/usr/bin} php82 -> /opt/remi/php82/root/usr/bin/php My composer 2.5 Composer was compiled to be named composer82 php82 composer-setup.php --2.5 --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer82 /usr/local/bin/composer82 No written record,ever made mention of any composer on there than the default one: /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini Code: [basicshell] comment = bash based shell with several basic utilities paths = /bin/sh, bash, ls, cat, chmod, mkdir, cp, cpio, date, dd, echo, egrep, false, fgrep, grep, gunzip, gzip, ln, ls, mkdir, mktemp, more, mv, pwd, rm, rmdir, sed, sh, sleep, sync, tar, touch, true, uncompress, zcat, /etc/motd, /etc/issue, /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile, /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8, uname, expr, xargs users = root groups = root includesections = uidbasics [composer] comment = composer paths = composer, /usr/local/bin/composer, /usr/share/doc/composer includesections = php, uidbasics, netbasics [php8_2] comment = php version 8.2 paths = /usr/bin/php8.2, /usr/lib/php/8.2/, /usr/lib/php/20210902/, /usr/share/php/8.2/, /etc/php/8.2/cli/, /etc/php/8.2/mods-available/ includesections = php_common Do i have to add: What i also noticed: [basicshell] has no path to /etc/profile.d, but to /etc/profile, which doesn't exist.
i'm not sure how much more help i can be, i don't use the OS or repo's you're using so don't know what should be where. that said, i believe /etc/profile should exist on any linux variant, certainly should exist on centos from what i can see, as should /etc/profile.d so i guess that's the first issue you'd need to sort out. that said, i notice on jailkit'd users on ubuntu, the file /etc/profile is included in the jailkit files, and that does try to load .sh files from /etc/profile.d, but that folder isn't included in the jailkit. @till should /etc/profile.d not be included in the path line for basicshell by default?
Oh, no! Please, do not call GrandMaster for help. I intentionally didn't do that, because am assured that this forum must have more high class pundits, who is able to cope with Mr. Till, @till , it was a false alarm @nhybgtvfr , Bro, thanks for your efforts. Consider, something else - is a solution.