Hello, I am having a problem accessing my server settings in the CP. I have logged in as admin, can move to the management page, but I get a page error when I try to access the server settings. I am trying to get tot the email so I can check if I am set to Maildir or not. FYI, I am logging in remotely (outside of my Webserver LAN). I could access this locally... Secondly, I have a test client setup. When logging in to http://www.mydomain.com:81/mailuser/ , I can get to the welcome screen. Should I be able to view the emails here or do I have to access using a mail client like OE, Eudora, etc.? All I get is the settings and a "Welcome..." message. Finally, just a general question coming from a newbie...If I have multiple clients trying to access their email/website, how will ISPConfig or Apache differentiate between these URLs? Thanks!
Check the controlpanel URL in the file: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php I suppose you have entered a private IP or a domain that is not routed from outside your local network. This login is only for changing the email settings and password. To view your mails use an email client (OE, Eudora, etc) or a webmail program like uebimiau, squirrelmailetc. ISPConfig uses domain based virtual hosts. In the controlpanel you can create a client for each of your clients with different username and password to let them login to the controlpanel.
Can you direct me on how to setup OE to access the email account? Is there a guide available? What are the pop, smtp settings, specific login format, etc... I understand how Apache uses virtual hosting in general, but how is it done in ISPConfig? In my router, do I forward HTTP requests to my Server IP ( or ISPCongif IP (
POP and SMTP Server can be your IP or any domain that points to your server. Usernames have normally the Format web1_joe, where 1 is the ID of the web and joe is the username part you entered when you created the email address. Please have a look at the manuals too. Please have a look at the manuals. You can do it like you want. You can create virtual hosts for your server IP or your ISPConfig IP in the ISPConfig controlpanel.