Courier IMAP Sent and draft problem

Discussion in 'Technical' started by bodeman72, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. bodeman72

    bodeman72 New Member

    Quick question, I currently am running Coureier IMAP and squirrelmail. Sending and reciving works fine through a regular connection using an email client, however, when i go to save a draft it does not show up. Likewise, items sent using an email client are not showing up in the sent items folder. Using squirrelmail though, i can save a draft and sent items do show up. The strange thing is those sent items and drafts created squirelmail also show up when connecting with an email client, just the messages created in the email client seem to be the ones that cant go to draft / sent.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in your mail log?
    Maybe your email client creates directory names that Squirrelmail doesn't look for.
  3. bodeman72

    bodeman72 New Member


    Thanks a bunch, the problem was specific to the email client.:)


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