Hello, at first sorry for my poor English... I want to be able to create websites in . Onion from the classic website creation interface of ispconfig. is it possible? otherwise do you have any tracks for me to create a vhost template that can write in/var/lib/tor a folder type hiddenservice and who restarts tor to generate the address . Onion? Address that should be re-imported into the web management interface of ispconfig? Thank you.
I would say there is no problem creating a website with URL somesite.onion. Just try it and see. You should post in ISPConfig forum if you ask about ISPConfig things. Also, you can try Internet Search Engines with Code: onion site site:howtoforge.com
I wrote a post because this 5 year old thread is the only thread I found on Google for how to do this. https://forum.howtoforge.com/threads/create-an-onion-site-on-ispconfig.92545/ I put it here since this comes up on google, but it will take some time for my post to start showing up in search engines.