I have ratchet on a site and cannot connect I opened a port on the firewall settings but it does not work or get a console log i followed this instructions http://socketo.me/docs/hello-world Am i missing something I have both nginx and apache server
Solution for Apache Make sure you have mod_proxy.so mod_proxy_wstunnel.so Open port you want on firewall Create Regular website on ispconfig Go to Apache Directives and add a proxy ProxyPass /wss2/ ws://enchufe.domain.com:2424/ ProxyPassReverse /wss2/ ws://enchufe.domain.com:2424/ replace domain and port with whatever you created and opened Go to command prompt and run php server.php where ratchet is located then you can test with js var conn = new WebSocket("wss://enchufe.domain.com/wss2"); conn.onopen = function (e) { console.log("Connection established!"); };