Hello I created a new module following the basics described here (http://docs.ispconfig.org/development/interface/) The docu said that all tables will be created automatically but this will result in the following error. mysqli_query CREATE command denied to user 'ispconfig'@'localhost' for table 'myaddon_support_messages'. I could ship around this with adding create right to the user ispconfig@localhost but it's confusing. So may adding a hint into the docu will be helpfull.
There is also a typo in tform.php - $form['auth_preset']['groupid'] = 0; user + $form['auth_preset']['groupid'] = 0; and in tolist.php + /* Database table - // Datbase table
Another issue I confirm both bugs are still existing in Also when you make a module and you directly create a custom TPL file, ISPConfig won't create the database table on the fly. After removing the TPL file temporary and re-opening the form in the browser the CREATE table executed.