Creating stable mailserver

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by thabangk, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. thabangk

    thabangk New Member

    Hi All

    I would like to create a stable mail server and i have registered a domain and it's not with my ISP,and i have mx record.the domain is and Would like some one to direct me with the configuration structure and networking structure because i have a firewall w\hich act as my gateway.

    How will the postfix configuration be like and the server will not be on a DMZ.

    Can somebody help,i'm new to this
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The MX record must point to an A record which points to your server's public IP - if your server is behind a router, this is your router's public IP.
    You must then configure your router to forward port 25 (SMTP) to your mail server. You might also want to forward the ports 110 (POP3), 143 (IMAP), 993 (IMAPS) and 995 (POP3S) to your server.
  3. thabangk

    thabangk New Member


    My mailserver is behind the IPcop firewall and the ISP modem and our gateway is our firewall.So does this mean i'll have to forward my port 25 on the firewall to my mailserver's IP?or the must be some configuration done by my ISP.I'm using Neotel modem.

    What will be my relay option since i just registered a domain and confused with the relayhost option.

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
  4. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    if the public ip address is on your firewall you need to do that on the firewall, if the public ip is on the modem, then u have to setup the port forward on the modem
  5. thabangk

    thabangk New Member

    Itried that and my relayhost is remaining none and message bounce back.what may be the problem?
  6. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    You do not need a relayhost if you are sending mail out directly.

    What is the error you are getting ?

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