Hello, Followed the perfectserver Guide for debian jessie and everything seems to work except a cronjob. I've found a lot on the forums but nothing that points me in the right direction. What I need is a page which get's visited every minute. As far as I can tell this is the "wget" command. I believe that I can just add the url without any commands in ISP config and that this should work. So it looks like this in the admin panel: Active <servername> <domain> 1 * * * * http://www.domainname.com/Pro/cronjob.php When I input the url in Firefox my crobjobs run (the webinterface of my invoice program says it has last run on blablabla) However I've waited for hours and rebooted the server and still no update on the time so the cronjob isn't working. What have I tried: The command with wget php infront and back and al kinda syntaqs (/q etc) Rebooted the server Checked for updates on Debian or ISPconfig (none where there) Added a shell user (with chroot none and Jail) Checked the ISPConfig Cron - Log which only shows Fri Aug 7 12:43:06 CEST 2015 umount: /var/www/clients/client0/log: mountpoint not found Checked the system Messages and the only "cron" reference found is: (root) CMD (/usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh 2>&1 > /dev/null | while read line; do echo `/bin/date` "$line" >> /var/log/ispconfig/cron.log; done Is there some additional step I need to do to enable these cronjobs to run?
Just add a cronjob with the URL in the command field. Then wait a minute and check if the cron file for this web user has been created in /etc/cron.d/ directory.
Done, /etc/cron.d/ shows a new file after a minute "ispc_web1". SInce this is a clean install with one client and on website this must be the right one. It's contents are: Code: MAILTO='' SHELL='/bin/sh' 5 * * * * web1 /usr/bin/wget -q -t 1 -T 7200 -O /dev/null 'http://www.domain.com/Pro/cronjob.php' >/dev/null 2>&1 #domain.com
The content looks fine. You are aware that this runs at :05 every hour (5 minutes past every full hour) and not every 5 minutes?
I wasn't until 2 minutes ago... just saw that it's working 5 needed to be */5 appearently... Sorry for wasting your time Please let me know how I can donate to the ISPconfig project and I will make it up to you
If you like to support ispconfig then please consider to buy a copy of the ISPConfig manual: http://www.ispconfig.org/page/en/documentation/user-manual.html
There is a manual and here I am asking stupid questions... Not just for my own stupidity but also for your great product and support... I Will Buy P.S. With the correct settings the job allready ran a few times... who would've thought that...... /shame modus off