Cron job

Discussion in 'General' started by newfield_no1, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. newfield_no1

    newfield_no1 New Member

    I am seting up a cronjob for a customer in the Ispconfig and have activated Cronjobs for the site. Activated Cron Jobs för the user and setting up a cronjon for every 5 minutes.
    But should I see the cronjob i Crontab -l ?

    Or where can I se that.

    The job is not workin anyway.

    It is a Magento shop that shall have cronjobs to work and the file that is used is:
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    crontab -u [I]user[/I] -l
  3. newfield_no1

    newfield_no1 New Member


    Worked fine.
    You always learn something new.

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