cron jobs per user

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by arrn, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. arrn

    arrn New Member

    is there anything planed to add a cron job interface to ispconfig ?
    if not i think it would be a perfect idea.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, it is planned, but I don't know when it will be available.
  3. NETabuse

    NETabuse New Member

    there really is no need for this,, Maybe i'm wrong, but if a user has been granted shell access for their account, they should be able to perform crontab -e; So conjobs for the user are not a problem.
    I believe that the admin user for a domain would have access to any files you need to affect with cron jobs. all users in the webX group would have permissions to change the files (they should be group writable.)

    If i'm wrong, let me know.
  4. arrn

    arrn New Member

    sure if they have shell, but if not ?!?:cool:
  5. NETabuse

    NETabuse New Member

    True, web interface for the users crontab -e interface would be ideal. I was thinking about this earlier in the week, then just said to heck with it, i'll just throw shell access to the users who request scheduled tasks.
  6. wpwood3

    wpwood3 New Member

    Web based cron controls

    I would like to see web based cron in ISPConfig, too.

    I have this in Plesk now and will miss it when I dump Plesk. Each user has access to a cron for their website and there is a system wide cron for root. It's not a must have but it is nice to have.
  7. mlz

    mlz Member

    I disagree, I believe this is a must have for any host that wants to present a professional image. This issue and the lack of multi-server is probably ISPConfigs biggest downfalls to us, one that will hopefully be rectified sooner than later.
  8. Compactman

    Compactman New Member

    Me to

    Throw me on the list for this feature request as well.
  9. tensor

    tensor New Member

    Giving ability to make cron jobs effectively gives user a shell, unless the admin approves/disapproves the entries in cron jobs.
    And it may involve user editable scripts, so even if the admin approves that, the user may change the script to make a back connecting shell.
  10. Compactman

    Compactman New Member

    Then put a warning on the feature and give the admin control over the option if they want to enable it for the users account. Just because a security risk can be posed by the user who you have already granted access to an account does not mean the user is going to take advantage of it.

    But don't cripple the software just because there may be less informed admins out there.

  11. NETabuse

    NETabuse New Member

    Well, one possible solution is to run in 2 modes, trusted and moderated mode, when the admin verifies a script take a hash of its current state, if the user alters the script then the hash is different, disable that script (reclassify as un moderated/verified)
  12. Compactman

    Compactman New Member

    I like this idea

    I really like this idea. This would be a perfect implementation of the feature keeping the white hats happy without stripping features.
  13. marton_erno

    marton_erno New Member

    Nice Ideea ...

    ISPConfig needs cron implementation asap. It's a big downside at the moment.
  14. madmucho

    madmucho Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Im for cron jobs too. It is good idea
  15. Gimly

    Gimly Member

    Me too it's very good idea ^^
  16. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    Im for it :) I dont like giving shell, but dont like having to do it for them.
  17. SupuS

    SupuS Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Nice idea .. I agree that ispconfig need this .. a lot of customers wanted this .. for this time I have to create cron recors manually for admin user of web .. but If customer change or delete this user setting is gone and customer is confused
  18. Onyxenator

    Onyxenator New Member

    I'll put my vote for this too.
  19. badran

    badran New Member

    This would most certainly be a great feature.
  20. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    I vote for cronjobs too! :)
    it will be nice to have this feature without giving users th shell access..

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