Hy there everyone , I have some trouble with my crontab. Few days ago i edited the crontab as a root to enter some custom command . Today i notice that the cron tab is empty. None of my command exist in there. The problem is that there was some ispconfig commands. And al the cron jobs entered in GUI not working anymore. I remember that i made a force reboot in this morning. Maybe that is the cause. Im using ISPConfig version on on Debian 8. Please help to solve this problem. Thanks a lot !
if you download ispconfig and run the update.php script, it can reinstall the cronjob for you. (I've not tried that to know if it fixes your problem, but worth a shot.)
I already do that without success. I will install again ispconfig into a virtual environment and i will see the results.
If cron is installed on your server, update.php writes a new crontab if you answer the question with yes.
Good morning everyone. I was so stupid in the previous message. I was running an upgrade not an update. Everything is ok now . I have downloaded ispconfig and running: php -q update.php . At some point the update asking me to reconfigure the crontab. The cron tab is restored now. Thanks a lot !