As I changed one of my servers from confixx to ispconfig I needed to keep the passwords of the confixx login-users. As the sys_user table contains PASSWORD() or MD5() passwords I had to change the login script to support crypt-md5 passwords, too. Maybe this could be included in one of the next releases so I don't fall into problems when updating ispconfig? /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/login/login.php PHP: $tmp = $db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `passwort` FROM `sys_user` WHERE `username` = '".$username."'"); $tmpcryptpw = crypt($passwort, substr($tmp["passwort"], 0, 12)); $laston = date("y-m-d H:i:s"); //$conn = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sys_user where username = '$username'"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE username = '".$username."' AND (passwort = '".md5($passwort)."' OR passwort = PASSWORD('".$passwort."') OR passwort = '".$tmpcryptpw."')"; //die($sql); if ($passwort != "" && $row = $db->queryOneRecord($sql)){ /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_auth.lib.php PHP: /* Check nach login PUT Variablen*/ if (($username != "") && ($passwort != "")) { $username = addslashes($username); $passwort = addslashes($passwort); $tmp = $go_api->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `passwort` FROM `sys_user` WHERE `username` = '$username'"); $tmpcryptpw = crypt($passwort, substr($tmp["passwort"], 0, 12)); if ($row = $go_api->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT username,doc_id FROM sys_user WHERE username = '$username' AND (passwort = PASSWORD('$passwort') OR passwort = '".md5($passwort)."' OR passwort = '".$tmpcryptpw."')")) { if($row["username"] == $username) I don't know if this leads to problems with ispconfig but I hope it doesn't...? Thanks Marius
Doesn't ISPConfig support crypt-md5 passwords out of the box? Or we talk about different things Code: grep md5 /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ $go_info["server"]["password_hash"] = 'md5'; // 'crypt' = crypt; 'md5' = crypt-md5
ISPConfig supports crypt-md5 out of the box for Linux system users (mail and FTP) in /etc/password. The above patch is something different, it enables crypt-md5 support for the ISPConfig client login, which is stored in the sys_user table in the ISPConfigMySQL database. By default, ISPConfig uses md5 hashes in sys_user table.