Hello, I have a reseller that wants to forward email filtered on subject i can add this as admin to custom rules. But this field is not visible for the reseller. I cant find any setting to activate this for him. Is this possible? In the normal mail filter you cant forward to another mailadres, only to a mailmap.
You can either enable it for all users or not at all under System -> Main config -> Mail -> Show custom mailfilter tab in mail account details.
You mean System > Interface configuration > mail The option: Show custom mailfilter tab in mail account details it is, and wass allready enabled but when i login as the reseller. I only see the tabs: Mailbox - Autoresponder - Mail filter - Backup Not the custom mailfilter tab
Hm, I suspect only the mailuser can see it. So if you log in to the panel with the mailbox credentials, you can see it. Imo it should be shown to resellers and clients as well - I'll discuss it.
nvm, it's only shown to admins. @Jesse Norell is there any risk when making this available to all users?
I don't think there's any risk in allowing users to specify manual filters here, in the sense that you're asking (assuming the field contents are correctly encoded/escaped/handled). There probably is a risk in increasing your support load, as you can track the percent of users who could competently manage writing their own custom sieve filters on one hand. A better solution would probably be to have the customer use a sieve rule editor and upload the rules via managesieve. Roundcube has a quite nice one, and some other mail clients have them as well. And a feature request to add a 'Forward' action to the currently available actions might be in order; it's probably a fairly easy feature to add.