Hello community, I would like to get some advise from experienced CyrusIMAP and Dovecot server administrators about wich one is rocomended over the other one. I have successfully installed Postfix with support for MySQL and CyrusSASL. I have set CyrusSASL with the auxprop plugin for MySQL as well, and believe me it was not a piece of cake, I went trough a lot of trouble shooting and madness in front of the screen, but finally I got to telnet my linux box with a succesful user authentication. I can send and receive mail now (using telnet), I use Maildir to store received mail. Now is time to decide on a IMAP/POP3 server. I really want to use CyrusIMAP, I wan to keep it consistent due to the fact I am using CyrusSASL (maybe just a little picky); but I have read it does not support Maildir (maybe there is a way to make it to). In the other hand I have read good things about the Dovecot server; I also considered Courier IMAP, but seems it has poor performance under heavy activity. I will really apreciate any advise from people that had been on my situation before. I do this for fun and to learn, and to eventually apply it when need it. Best regards. Angel. P.S. I will be working on setting up TLS on my mail server, but first I have to be done with it, although I will just prefer to use PGP for e-mails.
I've never worked with Cyrus IMAP, so I'd vote for Dovecot or Courier. I've never had any problems with any of them.