darn web#_ prefix! + mail.domain.com adjustment

Discussion in 'General' started by iratik, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. iratik

    iratik New Member

    I've followed the instructions on HowToForge for setting up roundcube webmail. They worked great, and I even followed the post about setting up an extra virtual user alias so that [email protected] would work. The problem is , when received the sender for example says [email protected], I noticed it also says that when you are composing the outgoing message. I attempted to change the username in the roundcube database - but it was reset upon logging in. Is there any way to get roundcube to just say '[email protected]'?
  2. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Sure, log in to you roundcube setup, go to Config and change it.

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