Hello this is a multiserver installation. my customer did a great damage, he tryied to create a database on a mysql server with root as dbuser. You cannot imagine what a nightmare I have fixed all the issues. But still something des not work. I have disbled cron, enabled debug, created a database on panel and assigned it to mysql server with issues here is the debug: Code: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Found 1 changes, starting update process. /usr/bin/fail2ban-client /sbin/iptables /sbin/ip6tables 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'soa_insert' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_soa_insert' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'soa_update' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_soa_update' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'soa_delete' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_soa_delete' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'slave_insert' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_slave_insert' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'slave_update' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_slave_update' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'slave_delete' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_slave_delete' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'rr_insert' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_rr_insert' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'rr_update' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_rr_update' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'rr_delete' from plugin 'bind_plugin' for event 'dns_rr_delete' 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Replicated from master: REPLACE INTO web_database (`database_id`,`sys_userid`,`sys_groupid`,`sys_perm_user`,`sys_perm_group`,`sys_perm_other`,`server_id`,`type`,`database_name`,`database_user`,`database_password`,`database_charset`,`remote_access`,`remote_ips`,`active`) VALUES ('357','1','22','riud','ru','','22','mysql','pippoprova','pippoprova','*ED1A992BC805C84B24010899F62C0B341C37A884','utf8','y',',','y') 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Calling function 'db_insert' from plugin 'mysql_clientdb_plugin' raised by event 'database_insert'. 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Created MySQL database: pippoprova 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Processed datalog_id 468781 08.07.2012-15:30 - DEBUG - Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock finished. 1. ok: the record into web_database is inserted 2. ok: the database is created and i see it into /var/lib/mysql 3. ko: i have no record into mysql database, neither into mysql.user, neither into mysql.db 4. ok: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf is ok what can I investigate further? which php unit does insert into mysql? if i know which one, i could insert some debug into it many thnx
Solved! i have fixed root@localhost without giving it GRANT priv. Grant_priv was 'n', intead of 'y' I solved reading: Code: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/mysql_clientdb_plugin.inc.php