I use this script to copy the DB's form and "OLD" server to the "NEW" server. I executed the scipt once, but I want to run it again but it sais access denied because the DB's are already created. Can somebody help me to change the script so it will drop existing DB's and copies it again? Code: #!/bin/bash # where your mysql commands are CMD_MYSQL="/usr/bin/mysql" CMD_MYSQLDUMP="/usr/bin/mysqldump" # login credentials of the OLD server side DB_USER_FROM="root" DB_PASS_FROM="password" DB_HOST_FROM="localhost" # login credentials of the NEW server side DB_USER_TO="root" DB_PASS_TO="password" DB_HOST_TO="" # IP of target server... # index all databases on the local (submitting) side echo "database sync" DATABASES=`echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | ${CMD_MYSQL} -p${DB_PASS_FROM} -u ${DB_USER_FROM} -h ${DB_HOST_FROM}` # loop over all the databases for DATABASE in $DATABASES; do # skip non-databases if [ "${DATABASE}" != "Database" ] && [ "${DATABASE}" != "information_schema" ]; then echo "transmitting ${DATABASE}" # create database on remote (receiving) side if it doesn't exist echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${DATABASE}" | ${CMD_MYSQL} -p${DB_PASS_TO} -u ${DB_USER_TO} -h ${DB_HOST_TO} # dump the current database and pipe it directly to the remote (receiving) side to inject it ${CMD_MYSQLDUMP} -Q -B --create-options --delayed-insert --complete-insert --quote-names --add-drop-table -p${DB_PASS_FROM} -u${DB_USER_FROM} -h${DB_HOST_FROM} ${DATABASE} | ${CMD_MYSQL} -p${DB_PASS_TO} -u ${DB_USER_TO} -h ${DB_HOST_TO} ${DATABASE} fi done