DDClient won't start

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by deezone, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. deezone

    deezone New Member

    I'm using Ubuntu and I'm having trouble running DDClient. Whenever I manual restart the ddclient service, I get the following message:

    * Dynamic DNS service update utility not in use
    Where it should have been:

    * Restarting dynamic DNS service update utility...  [ok]
    * Stopping dynamic DNS service update utility... [ok]
    * Starting dynamic DNS service update utility... [ok]
    In effect, my dynamic IP don't get updated with zoneedit. Any one has an idea?

    I could reinstall ddclient ... but I need to know how I deinstall it first?
  2. deezone

    deezone New Member

    It's ok guys, I was able to run dpkg-reconfigure ddclient to correct all the settings and now its working sweet.

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