DDOS Attack

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by WebTiago, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. WebTiago

    WebTiago New Member

    I think I'm suffering ddos attack. Was failing to install moodle, went to see the error.log this domain. And I come across this:

    What can be done to minimize it?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The requests come all from the same IP, so if its an attack, then it is a DOS attack, not ddos. You can ban the ip with iptables or a reject route:

    /sbin/route add -host reject
  3. WebTiago

    WebTiago New Member

    Ready locked. But what makes this happen? Is it normal? How can I see if other sites were not affected?
  4. WebTiago

    WebTiago New Member

    I updated my error.log again and is now using another ip to attack. I put these ips as you said.

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    To blocjk such attacks automatically, install the apache module mod_evasive

    and you should create a error file for the 404 error, so this will not fill up your error.log:

  6. WebTiago

    WebTiago New Member

    I will install this module apache. A doubt. This file you create ordered, those files can be error folder that contains all 404.html, 400.html ...? Can this file?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats the error folder and it should contain a file with this name. if this file does not exist, create it.
  8. WebTiago

    WebTiago New Member

    Thanks for your response, this difference did not know DOS Attack and DDOS attack. I'll read about it.

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