Debian 6, Apache and WEBDAV

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Schnacki, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Schnacki

    Schnacki New Member

    I know, that Debian 6 is so far out of date, that it's not even funny any more, but still, please bear with me.

    Using ISPConfig and Apache 2.2.16 I'm having issues getting WebDAV to work in a way that I can actually allow on a multi-user server.

    The problem I'm facing is, that the webdav-folder is chown-ed to the user/group of the website-owner. The same for the "tmp" folder in the webxxx folder.

    Since these two folders need to be written by the webserver (www-data), I would essentially have to set them to 777 to allow WebDAV to be used.

    I found issue #1935, which is kind of the exact opposite of my situation. Since I do not have apache-mpm-itk installed (which would probably solve the issue) because it's not really available on Debian 6 (at least not out of the box), I either really am out of luck (until I manage to upgrade) or am overlooking something.

    Does anyone have a hint what I could do apart from allowing every user on the server to have full access to these directories?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The /tmp folder is used by the website scripts, so it has to be owned by the user and group of the site. It dont has to be accessibl by webdav if I remember correctly.

    The webdav folder has most likely to be writable by www-data, so this can be a issue in ispconfig. Yu might want to add a report in the bugtracker for that.

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