Debian 7 Ispconfig 3.1.2 Migrate Apache2 to Nginx

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Serum, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Serum

    Serum New Member


    Since I don't find any solutions to upgrade debian 7 to debian 8 without any problems, I search for a tutorial or some explanations for a migration about apache2 to nginx on a debian 7 version.

    Why ?
    Since the begining, I would like to use the http2 protocol (with apache2.4 or nginx 1.9). But on debian 7 apache 2.4 is not really compatible, so on different forums, people advice to upgrade the Debian 7 to 8.

    So I try to upgrade my debian 7 but it failed, see this thread :

    I am still running a Debian 7 with an apache2 without http2 protocol, so I think the best is to continue on debian 7 but migrate to nginx that can use http2 protocol and who have a compatible version with Debian 7.

    What do you think guys ?
    Do you have some ressources about this ?
    Is it possible with a Ispconfig 3.1.2 ?

    Thank you and have a nice day.
  2. Farsus

    Farsus Member

  3. Serum

    Serum New Member

    Thank you Farsus, I will have a look now.
  4. Serum

    Serum New Member


    I just want to let you know that it's working now.
    So I update the system to use nginx instead Apache 2.4.

    See you ;)

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