Debian Etch + Shorewall 4 + Multiple ISP failover with heartbeat

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by c4rdinal, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member


    I have a suggestion on fault tolerant firewall using Debian Etch, Squid and Shorewall 4 with Multiple ISP failover capability using heartbeat. Can anyone please write a HOWTO for it?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you decribe the setup and its purpose in more detail?
  3. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member

    Hi Falko,

    I'm hoping to build a Debian Etch based Firewall/Gateway having multiple ISP (in my case I have 3 ISPs) with failover capability using heartbeat.

    Here's what I hope to accomplish:

    1. Multiple ISP - In case on ISP would fail, the rest will take over. And my Net servers are running inside a DMZ.

    2. Heartbeat - I'm hoping to build 2 clustered machines for a gateway/firewall (cluster nodes) which will provide fault-tolerance and high availability on the network.

    I'm also hoping that all servers under this network will all be clustered.

    Thank you very much!
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. olaf

    olaf New Member

  6. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member


    That's very interesting. I'll surely give 'em a try.

    tnx alot!

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