Any news of the release date for the stable version of Debian Etch? On they are still talking about dec 2006.
The latest news I heard was at the end of december. They said that there where some bugs to be fixed before the release, but there was no new release estimate. I hope they get the bugs fixed soon
Guys i've used Debian ETCH 4.0 and things goin' fine till now hope it continues like that.. but I'm really confused about one thing! the APT mirrors... guys please can you orient me with a good apt mirros for etch to get the latest packages... for example: I got two mirrors from another forum and i've tried them, so I found some packages like squid,bind etc.. others like webmin couldn't find! so I need a good repository for Debian's packages to get whatever I want! guys your help is highly appreciated! P.S: do you think guys Debian ETCH is not for production use yet! I had to use it because the SARGE3.1 couldn't support some new SATA II drives.. any idea? Best Regards,
I always use or I had no problems so far, but I'd wait until the final version is released.