Debian sarge crashes my Asus wl500g

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Ronin, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Ronin

    Ronin New Member

    I have a strange problem occurring after I installed my Debian Server and put it on my network.
    The LAN connection is taken down for 1-5 secs with 1-5 sec interval sporadically.
    This makes the the network inaccessible during these disconnection fits.

    It all goes away though as soon as I turn off my new Debian server.. Heh...

    After I shut down the server, I have to reset my router again to make it's wireless connection come back up again.

    First I used my WL500g as an AP outside of an Thompson 516i with 4 compys connected to it, 2 on WLAN and 2 on LAN.

    Since that obviously didn't work I tried activating the DHCP server on my wl500g again.
    I forwarded all ports from the DSL modem to my wl500g and forwarded the ports to the respective clients within my LAN from my router.

    So I now operate with 10.0.0.XX series for the DSL and wl500g connection.
    And 196.168.1.XX on my LAN/WLAN with my Debian server as (Set static within linux). I also added all of my clients MAC-addresses with specified IP-addresses so they won't fight over IP-addresses from the DHCP.

    This last setup looked to be stable... For about a day.
    But now the problems are back again for full :confused:

    Anyone got any suggestions before I trash my router and buy myself a new one? :rolleyes:
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Could you server be connected with a bad cable? Or do you have a rather new system / network card Sarge is not able to handle very well? I had similar problems with a NIC which on Sarge always stayed on 10M Half Duplex, while the rest of my network is 100Mb full-duplex. So very slow transfer rates :(

    Upgraded to Ubuntu 6.10 and the NIC was recognized oke and is now running on 100Mb FD.
  3. Ronin

    Ronin New Member

    I have a rather old network card so it could be that it is the other way around. It's too old :p
    Now that you mentioned it I had to check my cable tho.
    And it has several places where the covering has been peeled off so I have a suspicion that the cable is the interpreter here.
    Gotta do some testing with those then ;)

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