I'm trying to run a.. umm, hard to explain. This is what is required. I obviuosly get an error because the example below is for RH. PHP: ## For those using Redhat style rc files and using daemon-mode: cp sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient /etc/rc.d/init.d/ddclient ## enable automatic startup when booting /sbin/chkconfig --add ddclient ## start the first time by hand /etc/rc.d/init.d/ddclient start What must be done in order for the script to able to run on every reboot? Thanks
For Debian the steps should be as follows: Code: cp sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient /etc/init.d/ddclient update-rc.d ddclient defaults /etc/init.d/ddclient start