Declare DNS or DNS Zone in ISPConfig if my domain is with an ISP?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kameleon1er, Aug 20, 2023.

  1. kameleon1er

    kameleon1er Member

    Hello everyone, I'm making slow progress in understanding DNS management.

    For the time being, I prefer to leave the primary configuration with the ISP (e.g. GoDaddy).

    But now I've bought a domain with no associated e-mail service so that I can manage my mailboxes on ISPConfig and sign them with everything I need (DKIM, SPF...etc...).

    So my question is this: do I just point a DNS zone at the ISP to my IspConfig and then set up a domain zone on IspConfig and then set up an e-mail


    Should I modify the DNS attached to the domain directly at the ISP to point to my IspConf and create a complete DNS configuration in IspConf?

    I hope I've been clear enough and that someone can help me :)

    Good day to all and see you soon.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    kameleon1er likes this.
  3. kameleon1er

    kameleon1er Member

    Hi @till , thanks for the post.
    I already have domains configured in Isp, but I only use their DNS zone management to make my declarations of MX services, ptr, subdomains, etc...

    I'd like to start hosting all these settings in my IspConfig now :)

    2) yes there are 2 DNS fields available from my provider.

    Thanks Till, I'll read all about it.
  4. kameleon1er

    kameleon1er Member

    Hi @till, just to be sure… I read your link + few others,
    In my F.A.I console there is :
    • NS 1 :
    • NS 2 :
    • And A record is yet created in the DNS Zone with my IspConfig ip adress machine ›
    I replace "NS 2" by a new NS record like or A record in the FAI console ?
    At the other side in IspConfig console > DNS Wizard › NS 1 :

    Is that correct ?

  5. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    From what I gathered you only want it as a mail server for your domain so in your dns server just point your domain mx record to it.
  6. kameleon1er

    kameleon1er Member

    @ahrasis Yes, indeed, but for this domain I wanted to start managing it completely inside ispConfig (web part, but also mails; DKIM, SPF, etc...)

    So that in the future, I can manage all my domains in ispConf. and no longer through the registrar interfaces.

    From what I understand, for security reasons, I'd better keep the configuration of Primary and Secondary Domains NS1...NS2... at the registrar and maybe use glue-records pointing to my ispConfig.

    Thanks for the help.
  7. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I quite sure running an email server is different than running a DNS server and @till already advised you on the latter if you wish to proceed with it. It definitely is not a so easy task to setup and maintain the same, but you can take your time learning to setup and run it properly in the future.

    For now, you can add all settings you need for your mail in your registrar dns server that you are using but I would personally use CloudFlare for all my domains even though my domain registrar also provides the DNS service, for reasons that are obvious to many, I guess. And I simply use an account per domain to avoid some of its limitations.
  8. kameleon1er

    kameleon1er Member

    I've read, but the tutorial you're giving me is for a multi-server configuration, I'm not there yet and it confuses me (BIND... etc...). I have a simple configuration; 1 single VPS with a single ispConfig instance with several domains declared on it.

    As I answered in a post below, and perhaps you can confirm, my scenario is to progressively have all my field declarations inside ispConfig (mx, dkim, spf, txt...) and no longer in the interfaces of the various registrars I use to buy domains (ovh, godaddy, etc...) while leaving the authority of the primary and secondary NS with them.

    So I discovered glue records. Is it a good idea to use them in my scenario?

    Thank you.
  9. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If name server hosts are godaddy, ovh etc name servers, you can not use ISPConfig DNS module to manage the name service information. Those are managed with the service panel they provide for their customers.
    I wrote the DNS tutorial precicely because name service is confusing to set up. So read it again. You do not need to care about the multi server part when learning, but usually it is necessary to have at least 2 name servers, some registrars enforce this.
    Usefull reading can be found, the book I read is Wikipedia article explains a lot:
    ahrasis likes this.

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