When I de-activate a site on ISPConfig 3 then the first (alphabetically ordered) site is being displayed in its place. So if I have aaa.com and bbb.com site and I de-activate bbb.com then when someone types bbb.com in the address bar he will see aaa.com in its place. How I can change that and make it display an other site or, even better, a warning page that the site requested has been disabled? Thanks in advanced.
Good question. It's rather a system config issue rather than ISPconfig I think. In my production system I can see in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ a file called 000-default along with the rest of the domain config files. And another file under /etc/apache2/sites-available/ called default. My guess is that editing those files and correcting the: DocumentRoot /var/www/ and <Directory /var/www/> lines, would do the trick. Turning them into something like /var/www/mydefaultdomain.com/web/ you'll need an apache restart after that /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Unfortunately I wouldnt risk tampering with my production system so I cannot confirm that this is it. Maybe some more experienced linux grand master or someone able to experiment it can confirm this. /cheers
Do you use specific IP addresses for your web sites, or did you select * in the IP Address field in ISPConfig?