defanged mails (procmails MANGLE_EXTENSIONS settings)?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by schwan, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. schwan

    schwan New Member


    I'm using ISPConfig 2.0.6 on a Debian 3.1 box, and i'm a beginner with

    My mail users are unhappy because some common mail attachements
    (.doc .xls etc.) are defanged [1].

    Googled for this and i guess that this has to do with the procmail setup [2].

    I'm now not sure where in ISPConfig i have to set my own customised
    MANGLE_EXTENSIONS list. I found .procmailrc files per user and per
    domain, but no main procmailrc in /etc. So where can i set my own rules
    on a per user or per domain level?


    Thanks in advance for any help &
    best regards from switzerland,

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You simply have to uncheck the "mailscan" checkbox in the email settings of the users.
    Unchecking mailscan does not disable the virusscanner or spamfilter!
  3. schwan

    schwan New Member

    yes, disabling the "mailcheck" checkbox helps. Thanks for your fast help till!

    after reading the online help for mailcheck i feel myself :eek:

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