Good Day, Running ISPConfig 3.05.4p3 on CentOS 6.6. I a small issue. or don't load the default index page? Only loads OK. How and where can I fix this in ISPCOnfig3 (seemed in /Options in older ISPConfig versions when i search the web). I added index.htm to DirectoryIndex in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and reloaded Apache with success. Will it stay or will it be removed if I change configs in ISPConfig for this account? Is this the right way or is there another (better) way to do this? Thanks ahead as always, JP Cyrenne
The DirectoryIndex is configured globally in httpd.conf, it is not set by ispconfig at all. So changing it in httpd.conf is the right way to change it globally. If you want to use a different index in a single website, then add the DirectoryIndex line into the apache directives field of the website.