default servers in client template

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kiddiak, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. kiddiak

    kiddiak New Member

    when I create a new client, choose some template and save everything is fine but default servers are wrong since "Default webserver" is not specified in template and for Mail and Database server it selects mirror servers as default servers, this is in a multiserver setup.

    Maybe adding "Default server" in client template is on the todo list ? :p
    Now I'm working on a billing software for ispconfig and for a completely automated process I guess this is not so great :)

    An option in client template for default web- and mailservers "With most available disk space" or "Random" would also be nice since the billing software doesn't support this :]
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which ISPConfig version do you use?
  3. kiddiak

    kiddiak New Member

    the newest one
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The default webserver gets selecetd correctly on my server here when I miss to set it on the limits tab. The problem that mirror servers get select in that case has been fixed in svn.

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