Default user index pages

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by devilslayer, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. devilslayer

    devilslayer New Member

    I need a little help.

    I have read the post below, but as I'm a bit of a Linux noob I need a more detailed answer:

    The post above outlines how to change the default index.html file that is created automatically when a webpage is created.

    From what I can make out you need to add the line

    exec("cp -R /var/www/template/* $web_path/web");



    It needs inserting in either the "web_insert()" function or the "make_docroot()" function

    Is this correct? Which function should it be put in?

    What is the ideal method to edit the config.lib.php file? I am a bit of a Linux beginner and I have been using vi to edit files. I find this a bit difficult though, as you don't see any line numbers. Any Suggestions?

    What I am trying to acheive:

    I want to replace the default error pages using XHTML / CSS and strip out all the old font tags and deprecated tags

    Remove tables used for page layout and remove <font> and <center> tags etc
    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="2" FACE="Helvetica, Arial">

    All this can either be replaced with a style element in the head of the html file or a linked CSS stylesheet.

    I would also like to create a web page with images and a linked stylesheet(s), that would get copied to a new users webspace when it is created.

    Another stupid question?

    If i had a default template in /var/www/template/ how would I get the files off the server to edit? This is probably a very simple / stupid question, but If I don't ask these things then I'll never learn.

    I can access the files using ssh with putty, but ideally I need to get them off of the server and onto my home PC so I can edit them and then upload them again. Any Linux Pro like to enlighten me about how they do it?

    Thank You for your help.:)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The admin and resellers can define custom standard index and error pages directly in the ISPConfig interface. :) No need to modify and files/functions.

    You can use an FTP client such as FileZille/gFTP/SmartFTP/WS_FTP, etc., or an SCP client such as WinSCP (if you're on Windows).
  3. devilslayer

    devilslayer New Member

    Hello Falko,

    Thanks for your reply. I use Filezilla as my FTP client and I can FTP into user sites created with ISP Config.

    I would like to create a default page with images and linked CSS stylesheet, that would be copied into a users account as their holding page, when a site is created. This would allow me to brand the pages how I like.

    How can I FTP into directory /var/www/template/ ?

    I will try WinSCP on my Win 2k machine. I really need to setup a local debian etch server to try things out on.

    Best REgards

  4. devilslayer

    devilslayer New Member

    Thanks Falko,

    Managed to login to server using WinSCP.

    I would be grateful if you could explain where I need to add the command

    exec("cp -R /var/www/template/* $web_path/web");

    in the file below.

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think I'd put it in the make_docroot() function.

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