Deny clients new domains

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by alienn, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. alienn

    alienn New Member

    is it possible to remove the "add new domain" button from the dns and mail config dialog?

    I'd like to have one admin who adds/removes domains (mail and dns) and several clients who can manage their domains (but not add new ones).

    Is there a simple config option I missed?

  2. dzudzu

    dzudzu New Member

    in cp go to clients and when you edit client you have a tab witch says Limits and there u have:

    Max. number of web domains

    also u can make your own Limits templates and then assign them to appropriate clients.
  3. alienn

    alienn New Member

    So I have to set the maximum number of Web/DNS/Mail domains to "0" instead of "-1" and the client still can configure the owned domains but cannot add new one, right?

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  4. dzudzu

    dzudzu New Member

    yup, even thou buttons are still there the client can't make more domains or w/e else u set rules for him

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