I have a website in /var/www/site.com and for some reason new entries have been created. Where do these come from? How can I remove them? Does this have to do with jailkit or the fact that I wanted te create a cron job? /var/www/site.com/etc /var/www/site.com/lib /var/www/site.com/lib64 /var/www/site.com/usr /var/www/site.com/var
These directories have to be created when a jailed ssh user or cronjob gets created. Do not remove them as this would destroy the cronjob or ssh user that is assigned to this site.
I decided to remove them, hope that's not a problem. For the client, I also changed the options so that SSH-Chroot Options only have 'None' enabled (not 'Jailkit') and changed Cron to 'Full Cron'. Hope that this way it's not a problem that I deleted the files. Jailkit is not needed for this user/site.