Disable mailscan

Discussion in 'General' started by matej, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. matej

    matej New Member

    I have user, which had enabled "mailscan". I've disabled this option to user (uncheck checkbox: MailScan). Every attachment sended to this user is still "renamed" (.doc -> defanged_doc). On other user same thing works fine. Any idea?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Any errors in the ispconfig.log file?
  3. matej

    matej New Member

    I have error:
    06.11.2008 - 17:02:21 => WARN - /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/config.lib.php, Line 280: Could not select database

    It's looks I have problem with connecting mysql database?! Any hints...
  4. matej

    matej New Member

    I forgot to mention that I've made upgrade od ispconfig (from quite old version).
    Is it posible that upgrade process was not correctly done (for example upgrade of mysql database?)? How to check it?

    If I go to ISP config and check the version (tools-> software version) it gives me Version: 2.2.27, but if I go for example into ISP manager, ISP user setting (of some user), on tab "Spamfilter and antispam"... I don't have options like: Use URIBL, Spam Whitelist... (on the other server I have them).
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please take a look in the file /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php and check if the mysql database login credentials are correct and that the user defined there has the same priveliges or is the mysql root user.

    After you corrected the mysql login details, please do the update again.
  6. matej

    matej New Member

    Thanks this works now.

    But problem mentioned in my last message (i'm not sure if upgrade process went correctly?) still exsist. How it's is possible that on this server I have less options than on newone (as wroted I miss some options in users). Can be problem in upgrade?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please do what I described in my post above to solve your problem: "After you corrected the mysql login details, please do the update again."
  8. matej

    matej New Member

    What do you mean with update? I've run ./setup again now (same version of ispconfig), but result is same. I still miss options, which I have on other server.
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then I guess that your mysql settings still do not allow the update to modify the database. Please make sure that the mysql user in the config.inc.php is the mysql root user or has identical permissions.
  10. matej

    matej New Member

    I've put root user into config file. Can I check anywhere if there is any error during update? Can I maybee run manualy any sql_update script...?

    ISP is now working fine (my first problem gone. i've enable/disable mailscan on problematic user and works fine now). But I still miss new options with user editing (like Use URIBL, Spam Whitelist... (on the other server I have them)).
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Errors were displayed on the screen during update.

  12. matej

    matej New Member

    I've start setup again (same as 2 hours before) in it looks fine now.
    Thanks again.

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