Disable two factor authentication for admin user in ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by Gordon Fielden, Nov 21, 2022.

  1. Gordon Fielden

    Gordon Fielden Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Help !!! after asking for this to added to ispconfig, I've rushed in and enabled it (email) but didn't check the email address, is there a way to disable it ?
    ahrasis likes this.
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    - Open the ISPConfig database (for example through phpMyAdmin). The default database name is "dbispconfig".
    - Open the "sys_user" table.
    - Find your user
    - Change the value in the column "otp_type" to "none"
  3. AlexSr

    AlexSr New Member

    Great! This worked just fine. Thank you!!
  4. Aleeekoi

    Aleeekoi New Member

    Hello, I did the same.. I'm not understanding how the 2fa works.
    Where I can set the email of a user?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The email address of a client is in his client details, and the email address of an admin is set under System > interface > main config.
  6. fredwave

    fredwave New Member

    I am barely 24 hrs into ISPCONFIG 3 installation, whatever that lead me into attempting to implement the 2fac authentication feature is Oliver twist syndrome. Please how do i locate ISPConfig database through phpMyAdmin? Thank you
  7. fredwave

    fredwave New Member

    Please what phpmyadmin default username? the port 8081 cheat worked for me but i cant remember phpmyadmin default username.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The username of the administrative user of a MySQL database is "root".
    fredwave likes this.
  9. fredwave

    fredwave New Member

    Oh the default username is root
  10. Gordon Fielden

    Gordon Fielden Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Having issue still when I save the change I get the follow error below


    InsertEdit.php#1765: implode(
    string ',',
    string 'none',
    ReplaceController.php#312: PhpMyAdmin\InsertEdit->getCurrentValueForDifferentTypes(
    boolean false,
    string 'c158abf3d48efa9c91fdb21c1d5988a7',
    string '\'\'',
    integer 0,
    boolean false,
    boolean true,
    string '`sys_user`.`userid` = 1',
    string 'sys_user',
    Routing.php#192: PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\ReplaceController->__invoke(
    index.php#43: PhpMyAdmin\Routing::callControllerForRoute(
    string '/table/replace',
  11. Gordon Fielden

    Gordon Fielden Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Don't worry about the above, but do have one question where can you add and email address for admin or any other CP admin user ?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    CP users get their email addresses from the corresponding client data. The admins email address is set under system > Interface > main config.
  13. Abu Ashraf Jabed

    Abu Ashraf Jabed New Member

    We are using ISPConfig Hosting Controlpanel.
    Our IT Incharge has resigned and he didn't submited his emails credentials, which email address was for admin user . Badly I had to reset the password but can't login because he set a 2-factor authentication on that email id. How to reset that 2-factor authentication from ISP Config?
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's what's described in this thread, post #2.
    Abu Ashraf Jabed likes this.

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