Disabling NetworkManager?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by niemand-glaumy, Feb 25, 2024.

  1. Hai! :sharksmiley:

    I'm working through error messages in syslog.
    Two of those are related to NetworkManager:
    Feb 25 04:05:21 web NetworkManager[709]: <warn>  [1708830321.4056] Error: failed to open /run/network/ifstate
    Feb 25 06:38:04 web apt-helper[27952]: E: Sub-process nm-online returned an error code (1)
    I am on a ubuntu 20.04 VM (with it's own IPv4), connecting via putty - and am I guessing correctly that I don't need NetMan?

    I read I shouldn't just purge it because it is tied into Ubuntu 20.04 gnome stuff (which I guess I'm not using as I'm consoling anyways)... but can I disable it or would that mess things up?
    (Source for the info about it being tied into gnomery: https://askubuntu.com/a/1091660 )
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If your system works fine, then it might be better just to ignore the message. I've seen many people here in the past who tried to get a 100% error message-free system, but in the end, they messed up their system. So unless it causes an issue, it's often safer to just ignore it before removing core components of the system.
    ahrasis and niemand-glaumy like this.
  3. Yeah, that's what I'm doing and why I'm specifically asking. I just didn't find much about it.

    I had a stressful week because of a chain of server issues, so now I'm going through the syslog to make sure I can easily find future issues so my client doesn't go berserk on me again.

    Thanks for the input!
  4. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It could cause issues so do carefully read and plan your transition to netplan because from Ubuntu 18.04 above netplan is the way. I would install and test netplan correctly first before removing old network manager. I am not really sure why you have network manager in an Ubuntu 20.04 server but some people do get messed up because they install desktop on it, though there could be other reason, like unclean upgrade etc.
    niemand-glaumy likes this.

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