Disk quota error

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by otacon, May 3, 2011.

  1. otacon

    otacon New Member

    I am using API to add a website with

    $params_website = array('server_id' => 1
    'ip_address' => '*'
    'domain' => $myusername.'.remcycle.net'
    'type' => 'vhost'
    'parent_domain_id' => ''
    'vhost_type' => 'name'
    'hd_quota' => '-1'
    'traffic_quota' => '1000'
    'cgi' =>'y'
    'ssi' =>'y'
    'suexec' =>'y'
    'errordocs' =>'1'
    'subdomain' =>'www'
    'ssl' =>'n'
    'php' =>"mod"
    'ruby' =>'y'
    'active' =>'y'
    'redirect_type' =>'no'
    'redirect_path' =>''
    'ssl_state' =>''
    'ssl_organisation' =>''
    'ssl_organisation_unit' =>''
    'ssl_country' =>''
    'ssl_domain' => $myusername.'.remcycle.net'
    'ssl_request' =>''
    'ssl_cert' =>''
    'ssl_bundle' =>''
    'ssl_action' =>''
    //'stats_password' =>$mypassword, 
    'stats_password' =>''
    'stats_type' =>'webalizer'
    'backup_interval' =>'daily'
    'backup_copies' =>'7'
    'document_root' =>'/var/www/clients/client'.$client_id.'/web'.$domain_id
    'system_user' =>'web'.$domain_id
    'system_group' =>'client'.$client_id
    'allow_override' =>'All'
    'php_open_basedir' =>'/var/www/clients/client'.$client_id.'/web'.$domain_id.'/web:/var/www/clients/client'.$client_id.'/web'.$domain_id.'/tmp:/var/www/'.                            $myusername.'.remcycle.net/web:/srv/www/'.$myusername.'.remcycle.net/web:/usr/share/php5:/tmp:/usr/share/phpmyadmin:/etc/phpmyadmin:/var/lib/phpmyadmin'
    'custom_php_ini' =>'',  
    'apache_directives' => '<Directory />
                                            Options FollowSymLinks
                                            AllowOverride All
                                            Order allow,deny
                                            Allow from all

    'client_group_id' =>$client_id +1
    $website_id $client->sites_web_domain_add($session_id$client_id$params_website); 
    As you can see the disk quota is -1 meaning infinite amount of space. When the client logs into ispconfig control panel and looks at the web site he sees -1 as his disk quota. When he click on any of the tabs to get to redirect, ssl, or options it give the error

    And then changes the qouta to 0.

    The user can also use FTP to add files to his website, so I am unsure as to why this error is occurring.

    Any Suggestions?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please compare the content of the quota field in the database of a site that you created in ispconfig with a site that you created with the api. Maybe you e.g. added a whitespace or so.

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