Disks - Partitions

Discussion in 'General' started by alexillsley, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    I have got a partion on my hard disk /var but i would like to resize it, i tryed to chnage its size in yast but it wont let me it says the disk is already mounted. So i goto shell and unmount:

    server1:~ # umount /var
    umount: /var: device is busy
    umount: /var: device is busy
    server1:~ #
    Though it doesnt let me becuase the "drive is busy" . Do you know any live cd's i could use to change the partition size?

  2. fraginhell

    fraginhell New Member

    Have you tried booting to single user mode, I dont think It is mounted, in that case you can resize it from there, without using a live CD.
  3. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    How would i do that?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    hey thanks for you help but in the end i reinstalled system for the 4th time, i have backups so know one lost there data . Its all fixed and working now:)
  6. Smalfish

    Smalfish New Member

    resize partitions

    Resize partitions you can choose the MiniTool Partition Wizard,wchich not can resize partition well,but also can support many OS,such as:
    Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
    Windows Vista (32 & 64 bit)
    Windows XP (32 & 64 bit)
    Windows 2000 Professional
    Windows Server 2008 (32 & 64 bit)
    Windows Server 2003 (32 & 64 bit)
    Windows 2000 Server Family

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