Display a Repository Mirror

Discussion in 'General' started by hyperclock, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. hyperclock

    hyperclock New Member

    Hi, I would like to setup a Debian(like) Repository(mirror) and use ISPConfig3 to setup a domain to display that repo.

    How can I do that without ISPConfig adding index.php to the site?

    On a private server at home I never really worried about that all I did was install apache and symlink to the /var/www then typed the private IP address,
    this method does not seem fit on a public server though.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can delete that index file after ISPConfig has created the site. Make sure you use something like
    Options +Indexes
    in the vhost configuration (otherwise there's no directory index).
  3. hyperclock

    hyperclock New Member

    Thanks, I checked on several sites also here on the forums.

    I was missing the "Options +Indexes" in the configs.

    By the way I've been using ISPConfig since around 2005, but ISPConfig3 is the best. Even better than some of the commercial ones that I've tested.

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