dist-upgrading debian on ISPConfig Server

Discussion in 'General' started by khayjake, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    I'm currently running ISPConfig on a Debian Etch system.

    As many Debian users may have noticed, Etch is now the old stable and Lenny is the new stable Debian 5.0

    I would like to upgrade my system from etch to lenny by via changing the "etch" entries in the sources.list to "lenny"

    Then performing

    #apt-get update
    #apt-get dist-upgrade

    My question is "Will this affect ISPConfig?"

    Can I just upgrade Debian Etch to Debian Lenny without making any other adjustments to ISPConfig?


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Dist upgraedes will normally not affect ispconfig. But in case that a specific service does not work anymore after the update, you should go trough the perfect setup guide for debian lenny [ispconfig 2] and check that the settings in the config files are correct.
  3. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    Will do

    Noted...thanks Till

    I just bought a G5...one bad mofo server....I was thinking running ispconfig 3 on that...

    Now all I gotta do is figure out how to do a complete system backup and restore of an ispconfig server hehe....probably in the threads here somewhere
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    Cloning ISPConfig for Backup & Installing New ISPConfig 3

    I got the server in. It's way bigger than i thought it was going to be. It's got 64 gigs ram, a Quad Core 64 bit processor with a slot for another one...holds up to 18 hard drives....I love it!!

    I wanted to backup or clone my current setup to another machine...that way i can use that to test things so i dont mess up the original.

    On the new badass server I wanted to use ISPConfig 3. I still want to use roundcube and phpmyadmin, i havent ever seen any ispconfig 3 pkg files before as of yet..but i bet i could figure it out from source if need be or the repo...

    I still haven't dist-upgraded Debian Etch To Lenny....I was going to ask if anyone on here that is or was running Debian Etch and ISPConfig has tried it and had to make any changes that I should take note of.

    Planning on doing that tonight. Can't wait to see what ISPConfig 3 is like. Also as far as moving webs over manually...any info?

    Thanke all

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There are no such packages for ISPConfig 3. You'd have to install them manually.
  7. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    System-Imager ISPConfig clone/backup possibility?

    Thanks Falko, but I had one last question.

    I have a machine i'm using to backup my compressed files, and files i deem important. This machine is currently running Debian SID/Unstable.

    I want to move all my important files to another backup drive and use this box to clone a copy of my current ispconfig server.

    Would you suggest that I reinstall Debian Lenny on this machine and then follow the Moving ISPConfig link you posted?

    Or would you suggest that I use something like System-Imager to clone my ISPConfig system and install/move it to the backup server?

    In your professional opinion what do you think is the easiest and most efficent way to clone my ISPConfig server?

    Thanks Falko,

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think I'd try SystemImager, Ghost4Linux, or Clonezilla.

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