DKIM entry in DNS

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tom John, Mar 20, 2022.

  1. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    HI guys,
    i use ispconfig 3 with ubuntu 20.04 the perfect server automatic installation.
    I generate DKIM entry with ispconfig and put this information into the DNS Zones.
    in this thread:
    you told me better to remove the " because the domain provider maybe not accept this.
    from ispconfig i get the following DKIM code:
    Code: 3600  IN  TXT   "v=DKIM1; t=s; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAoEnuqmHz3lcMQssFvvo+RYIcwLaiSLviPIT7RS7kbmLAyrwDVBftqKDZqHJRwla7CSE215GSmBReX4qzoKIpPmIJ8A+BsEeDef1eCdoj2mQI6tviF/+iBoPPPM5pjwINU/vtLSiLllpk""4q8GBzQ5FzyhpUlj6d9uUwdUEWkRAbJ9DyIq8N3qh9cRWj66nDTWEm3ymMbNoXFWHk/YIyi6UsmLUq/qAt8dCUbinfKisntVUsmj677e6mFjFb27rLaW91jf1Cx87slmO+cV/GxXZkA54w5a77LeNlJX7z1fbeCVmqNf60Q04i91ch/a7nZGyIjTbrp15jeC7A3P0p5W""iwIDAQAB"
    the txt record in the domain i quit the " as follows and quit the first words like you recommend me in the thread :
    v=DKIM1; t=s; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAoEnuqmHz3lcMQssFvvo+RYIcwLaiSLviPIT7RS7kbmLAyrwDVBftqKDZqHJRwla7CSE215GSmBReX4qzoKIpPmIJ8A+BsEeDef1eCdoj2mQI6tviF/+iBoPPPM5pjwINU/vtLSiLllpk4q8GBzQ5FzyhpUlj6d9uUwdUEWkRAbJ9DyIq8N3qh9cRWj66nDTWEm3ymMbNoXFWHk/YIyi6UsmLUq/qAt8dCUbinfKisntVUsmj677e6mFjFb27rLaW91jf1Cx87slmO+cV/GxXZkA54w5a77LeNlJX7z1fbeCVmqNf60Q04i91ch/a7nZGyIjTbrp15jeC7A3P0p5WiwIDAQAB
    however with mxtoolbox i get an error. (i put
    Do you have an idea what i did wrong or what to change with the DKIM ?
    thanks a lot for your kind help
  2. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I found the solution:
    when go to mxtoolbox i choose dkim and then i need to choose the selector which was in my case "
    default" and then everything works fine
    Jesse Norell likes this.

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