DKIM for external domain

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Ming-li, Mar 14, 2023.

  1. Ming-li

    Ming-li New Member

    I would like to ask for advice about DKIM for a domain that is not directly on the ISPconfig server, but I want to use the server as a relay for the domain.
    I have a system from which I want to send emails for different domains using one SMTP user on ISPconfig. All domains except one are on the ISPconfig server, so I just modified the template for rspamd and added "allow_username_mismatch = true;" to make all outgoing emails signed with DKIM. This works ok and template (saved in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/install/) is not overwritten even when updating ISPconfig.
    For the external domain I generate DKIM keys and can sign emails as well, my problem is that ISPconfig overwrites and when I change stuff and thus disables the external domain signing. Is it possible to make these changes permanent so that they are not overwritten (edit some template, add it to web UI, etc.)?


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