What is the proper way to input a txt record for DKIM in ISPConfig? When I generated the keys with dkim-genkey from my server, it gives something like this for default.txt... == default._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCyfYTF/Ty2kLU9lVr7Q3VN4N6PsoBMenDDvvuBUqBm6a6Z25sg36sdOTkIFXnLE6plbLs8gCe343NrtMNtCJxaGXgAllFO4d7vgkpT3hzEZsdmYYLYXLTlKHbmR4T9czfKX3+B6yUu52f4C/FIBmG3Hu4LMdPYqcMpLbW6Pev8ZwIDAQAB" ; ----- DKIM default for domain.com == Do I just put that whole line in Text when I create a DNS TXT Record? Or do I remove the "IN TXT" part?
Nevermind, I found my own answer. I have another email server as the last touch for outbound emails that uses PowerMTA and wanted to impliment dkim. I'm using IspConfig for my DNS server. I follow this wizard: http://www.port25.com/support/support_dkwz.php and got my keys, and my records. So when creating a TXT record in ISPConfig, I use the first portion of my Selector record: "key1._domainkey.domain.com" for the Hostname without the quotes and the second portion "k=rsa; p=MHwwDQYJKoZIha9cNAQ...VD612IBhJedo9Jjd9k4" for the Text without the quotes. The p= value has to be the whole line. *Note - Ispconfig will not take 1024bit keys for DKIM because it was too long to put in. I had to use 768bit keys. There was another topic about this.