DNS cant understand

Discussion in 'General' started by detot, Feb 26, 2010.

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  1. detot

    detot New Member

    I have Debian 5(on OpenVZ)/ 10 real IPs/ ISPconfig 3

    I want to make like this:
    main domain: example.com


    Every Client can use common DNSs or some clients their own DNSservers(for example: ns1.client.com, ns2.client.com for domains client.com & client2.com)

    Could you give me step by step instruction how to configure ISPconfig for this?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The steps are: Go to the dns module in ispconfig, click on the dns wizard, enter the domain name, IP and dns servers and click on save.
  3. detot

    detot New Member

    I have made it,
    Right now i have one DNS, but when i have added second DNS for one client (domain: client.com, ns1.client.com, ns2.client.com)
    I have changed records for client.com on Reegister panel.
    This is ok.
    i can ping client.com, ns1.client.com, ns2.client.com
    All's fine.
    After it, im adding second site to client.
    If im using common DNS, all's fine, But if im trying to write
    ns1.client.com/ns2.client.com for domain clienttest.com in panel on my Register,
    Its writing Error, That register cant get SOA record from ns1.client.com/ns2.client.com for domain clienttest.com.

    If im going in ISPconfig in user settings, and in tab Limits, there is Select input on Default DNS server and in this Select input is only one DNS server (my common DNS) How i can add there Another one DNS server?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can have as many ns servers as you need, just go to the records tab and add a ns record for every nameserver.
  5. detot

    detot New Member

    I have made it,
    But how i can Configure ISPconfig,
    domain clienttest.com is on DNS (client.com)

    in attachment records for Main ISPconfig DNS and for Client DNS.
    Which i need to use.
    And Client Edit menu, Limits, Where i need to set new DNS (in Select list)

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  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  7. detot

    detot New Member

    Im asking How to configure ISPconfig.
    Right now i have few servers with commercial VDSmanager & 10 x ISPmanager on first server and VDSmanager/ Plesk & ISPmanagers on second.
    And i want to use ISPconfig for one new project.
    But i cant find any step by step manual on ISPconfig. (Like step by step instructions on ISPsystems.com)

    Right now, I dont understand, How to configure For every client their own DNSservers in ISPconfig, Thats why im asking about it here.

    In ISPmanager or Plesk i can made it easly, But in ISPConfig, its not understable... =)

    Please, help...
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your questions just show that you miss some basic understanding in dns, e.g. wjhat a ns record is. So please read the manual I pointed out above and not the plesk manuel ;) As this is not plesk...

    Regarding your dns setup, the setup is complete according to the screenshots. Was it that pronlematic to fill in 5 fields which have the exact names of waht you shall enter (e.g. email = enter the email address) and click on one button ;)
  9. detot

    detot New Member

    im trying to configure it again.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, thats not related. ISPCOnfig is a multi server control panel and you can manage hundreds of servers from one controlpanel. As clients shall not be able to select the server that hosts their stes, mail or records themself, it is set by the administrator as default server for new records of this client. How many Servers do you have assigned to your ispconfig system? If its just one, the deaultserver for everything is one of course as your server cluster consists only of one server.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    So here now attached the screenshot to create a dns record.

    Login as client or admin, click on dns in the upper menu go to the dns wizard and fille in the details of the dns record and click on create dns record.

    Attached Files:

    • dns.jpg
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      27.6 KB
  12. detot

    detot New Member

    I have found my mistake..

    In all other panel, which i have, When user adding WebSite in panel, DNSrecords makin automaticly, But in ISPConfig, User must add Web site in two steps.
    1. Add Site (in Site tab)
    2. Add DNS zone

    I have made it, and all's working fine.
    I think i'll add some functions in ISPconfig for myself, and for my Clients.
    Because its hard to tell some womans that they need to add site and after it DNS.
    They know only their DNS, domain name and Email, and need to add it by one click... =)))

    Question can be closed.... =)))
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