Hi, i want to install and configure DNS-Server in my LAN with 2 subdomain. The first question concern the topologie and Hardware component. here ist a schematic of the topologie: Internet ---- Router ---- PC1 eth0 (on PC1 connect to the router and has the static IP eth1 (on PC1 connect to subdomain1 and has the static IP connect to a HUB for Clients Client1 (on the HUB) IP eth2 (on PC1 connect to subdoman2 and has the static IP connect to a HUB for Clients Client2 (on the HUB) IP subdomain2 (Client2) should be able to connect to internet. but subdomain1 not. subdomain1 (Client1) should be able to connect to subdomain2. Question: Does this schematic work? If not, why? now the expected name resolution. Is it correct ? Top-Domain is: “nthome“ PC1: “PC1.nthome“ Client1 : “Client1.PC1.nthome“ Client2 : “Client2.PC1.nthome“ Configurationsfiles: Bind9 is install on PC1. I define two zone in the Bind configurationfile (named.conf). for 172.30.2.x and for 172.30.3.x. Question: How should the NS-Entrie in the Zone File look like? which servername and IP-Adresse? How should the forward-Entrie in the named.conf look like? Thx.