DNS issue after upgrading

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by admins, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. admins

    admins Member

    Hi all
    I've upgraded to 3.0.16. System Debian 5 with the actual components. If created a new dns zone with the wizard. If I check this with a tool I become no record back.

    If I go to this record ISPConfig say:
    "1. # Zone hat ein ungültiges Format.+
    In English Zone has an invalid format.

    How could I fix this issue?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means that you entered values that are not allowd into the zone name. Please post the exact domain name that you added.
  3. admins

    admins Member


    Its perhaps bug FS#939

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I tested this and it works fine for me. Maybe you copied the domain name from a email or other document instead of typing it in and in the copied text there was e.g. a invisible character or so. You should check in dns manager that you do not have any chracaters in front or after the domain name (except of a dot at the end).
  5. admins

    admins Member

    Now I've deleted the record.
    I went to the wizard and have typed in.

    Next step testing. with network-tools.com dns advanced test the record:

    [Server IP] returned a non-authoritative response in 156 ms:
    Query refused
    -- end -- 
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It takes up to 48 hours until DNS chnages get propagated. You can check the domain with:

    dig @localhost kontaktlinsenversand.ch

    on the shell on your server.
  7. admins

    admins Member

    OK, lets waiting.

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