DNS - My newbie question so I can make it work

Discussion in 'General' started by greenovni, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. greenovni

    greenovni New Member

    Hello all

    I installed ISPconfig using the perfect setup for Centos 5.3 i386.

    The system is working just fine but I have a question about DNS since people tell me that one of my sites cannot be seen.

    I set up my main site which is showing and went to name cheap.com (domain registrar) and set up DNS there pointing to my outside IP address.

    Within name cheap itself now I have:


    My main domain name & ISPconfig can now be reached all over the world :)

    Problem (maybe bacause I am new to ISPconfig & stupid)

    I created a new client --> Website and set up DNS within ISPconfig itself like so:

    Server: Server1
    Domain (SOA): AnotherDomainHostedOnISP.com
    IP Address: ISPconfig's outside IP address

    Under options:
    Name server 1: ns1.MyMainDomain.com
    Name server 2: ns2.MyMainDomain.com

    Now, I can see both websites using their domain names from my main PC connected to the same router as the server.

    My client (a lady across the city) said that she received this error on her browser: "The web address you have entered could not be found."

    My friend across the world says that he cannot the new website either.

    They can both see the main site.

    Do I need to set up name servers within namecheap.com all pointing to the same outside ip addresses?


    Domain 1
    ns1.domain1.com = 25.369.98.63
    ns2.domain1.com = 25.369.98.63

    ns2.domain2.com = 25.369.98.63
    ns2.domain2.com = 25.369.98.63

    Or is the problem that DNS servers update at different times all over the world and that is why I can see it from here (cable connection) - I can see it from a neighbor's DSL connection across the street & my customer & friend in the UK cannot.

    Please help ... I am at wits end
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It can take up to 72 hours until DNS changes propagate so this could be the problem. If it still doesn't work, I suggest you check your domain names at http://www.intodns.com/
  3. greenovni

    greenovni New Member

    thanks Falko

    All I had to do is wait for the domain name to propagate.

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