DNS Problem with a new Site

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cyaneo, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. cyaneo

    cyaneo New Member

    DNS Problem with (the first) new Site


    Maybe I did a wrong search, also I follow up some howtos here but I didnt get this working:

    Domain: www.mydomain.com
    Local IP (shared):
    Public IP:

    DNS entry at my Provider: mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com to
    My Router: NAT to

    If I enter I get the ISPConfig sharedIP site
    If I enter http://www.mydomain.com or mydomain.com I get a 500 Internal Server Error

    Q: How must I config the the DNSManager, the settings at Management -> settings -> Server and Management -> settings -> DNS?

    Thank you + regards!

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    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    DNS records have always to point to the external IP of your router an dnot the internal IP. Additionally, as you use the dns server of your provider, you dont have to add any dns records in ispconfig.
  3. cyaneo

    cyaneo New Member

    Yes, that was my first config, bud this didnt also work.

    I started again from scratch and use ISPConfig 3 now and it works like a charm!


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