DNS problems

Discussion in 'General' started by IKe, May 1, 2012.

  1. IKe

    IKe New Member

    Hi Guys,

    i finished installing centos6.2 x86_64 with ispconfig3 which is working ok.

    I can assess my site example.com from the LAN, can ftp from the LAN but cannot asses the site out side the LAN.

    I have set up the router to forward all request to the static ip of the server.

    But have been trying to configure the goddady account to resolve to the example.com domain but still cannot.

    I followed the tutorial on configuring the dns but still cannot assess the site from out side the lan.

    pls any pointers will be welcome.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you want to access your site from outside your LAN, the DNS records must point to your router's public IP address (not the local IP address of the server), and the router must be configured to forward all necessary ports to the ISPConfig server.
  3. IKe

    IKe New Member


    Dear Falko,

    Thanks for your reply. I realized that yesterday night and rectified the error. You guys are doing a great work and will forward my subscription soonest.

    The site is at:


    God bless.

  4. blackhorsedg

    blackhorsedg New Member

    same question, can you help me?

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