DNS problems

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Cristian Razvan, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. Cristian Razvan

    Cristian Razvan New Member

    I'm new here and I installed this week ispconfig +apache2 +postfix from
    I added the filled out client , sites and dns.
    in sites if I put my ip in IPv4 and save like this. when i access my ip on url, it goes this instead the default apache2 index upload_2017-12-22_14-5-42.png

    this is the records of dns, where ns1 and ns2 i got from where i bought the domain

    Thank you in advance

    Attached Files:

  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Sorry, but I don't see any problem. The default page you see is exactly the one that should be shown if the creation of a website via ISPConfig is successful.
  3. Cristian Razvan

    Cristian Razvan New Member

    I resolved it by adding 2 A records for nameservers like this:
    A ns1 myIP
    A ns2 myIP
    ahrasis likes this.
  4. Cristian Razvan

    Cristian Razvan New Member

    Now I got another problem.
    Now I want to host another website with another domain, i have done same things lige first website but it is not working this one. But the emails are working with admin @ seconddomain.com . Really strange :s
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Check the dns setup of the domain at e.g. intodns.com
  6. Cristian Razvan

    Cristian Razvan New Member

    I made personalized nameservers and usually it takes 24 hours to update, and thats why I couldn't see my domain pointing to server .

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